合気道覇天会通信教育部門・動画で学ぶ合気道「スクールズオブHATENKAI」AIKIDO movie
国際合気道連合 フルコンタクト合気道 覇天会 宗家 藤嵜天敬筆頭師範(宗家 兼 筆頭師範) 合気道歴28年 合気道選手権大会本戦トーナメント優勝3回 準優勝1回 優秀賞1回 中学時に相撲県大会出場 防具付き系空手全国大会優秀新人賞 極真空手全国大会出場経験あり、他の武道経験 実践合気道三段 伝統合気道初段 八光流柔術四段 空手三段 柔道初段 手裏剣術二段 短棒術初段 スポーツチャンバラインストラクター資格有。他、合気道修行時代には合気道の指導員資格等多数を取得。
TV番組にて「バナナマン」さん、「榊原郁恵」さん、「ユージ」さん、「E-girls」さん、「春香クリスティーン」さんらに合気道や護身術を指導。著作 DVD「合気道を使う」全二巻 BABジャパン出版局より販売。フルコンタクト合気道選手権大会を現在(2019年)までに23回開催し、主審を務める。より良い実践合気道の実現に向けて覇天会を主催する。
覇天会公式HP http://www.hatenkai.jp/
Google translation was used.
International Aikido Union Full Contact Aikido Hatenkai. Fujisaki Tenkei. Advanced master of HATENKAI Aikido. 28 years of experience in Aikido.
Winner 3 times Advanced Tournaments at the "Practical Real Aikido Championships"
. 2nd place 1 time. 1 award for excellence. Tournament hosted by Aikido SA
Participated in Sumo Prefecture tournament when he was a junior high school student.
Excellent newcomer award at national competition of Karate wearing a protector.
Kyokushin Karate national tournament experience.
Other martial arts experience.
Practical Aikido black belt three steps.Practical Aikido teaching qualification.
traditional Aikido black belt first steps. Hakko style jiu-jitsu black belt four steps. Three steps of karate black belt. The first stage of Judo black belt. Shuriken black belt two steps. Short stick martial art black belt first stage. Sports Chambara instructor.
In addition, during the Aikido training era, he obtained many Aikido instructor qualifications.
Instructed Aikido and self-defense techniques on TV programs. The famous comedian “Banana Man”, the famous singer “Sakakibara Ikue”, the actor “Yuji”, the singer group “E-girls”, and the TV personality “Haruka Christine”.
All two volumes of the DVD “Using Aikido” are available from BAB Japan Press.
Has hosted the "Full Contact Aikido Championships" 23 times by now (2019) and serves as the referee.Organize the Hatenkai for the realization of a better and effective Aikido.