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※Smart Accompanistは以下のURLへ移行しました。

【Smart Accompanistへようこそ!】



Smart Accompanistは、アマチュア古楽奏者がより手軽にアンサンブルを楽しみ、学ぶための「プロの古楽奏者によるマイナスワン動画」販売サービスです。



■Smart Accompanistリクエストフォーム

[English below]
*The Music Minus-One Marketplace "Smart Accompanist" has moved to https://smartaccompanist.net/

”Enjoy musical ensemble, at home, alone.”

Recently, it is more often the case we, amateur musicians, see early music performances of early music posted on online media or SNS.

They are all great, well, mostly if it's not all. But at the same time, don't you think "what if one of the parts were just silent so I can join"?

This service was created to make that happen.

For professional musicians: If you make a musical clip with one part silenced and put it on this site, it would sell. Please contact on smartaccompanist@gmail.com and give it a try.

For amateur musicians: Please find the pieces you would like to enjoy in an ensemble, or you can post a request through the "community" function on the top menu.
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